Saturn Incense


Saturn Incense

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Saturn is the second largest planet of the solar-system, most famous for its rings. Until the discovery of Uranus and the other outer planets Saturn represented the boundary of the known solar-system, for it is the last planet which can be seen with the naked eye. He was respected, yet feared for no-one could escape his rule over the cycles of time and the laws of karma. Saturn is the reaper - he kills the grain, but in doing so sustains life. Saturn is a God of boundaries and limitations and of the most physical, mundane aspects of life, which may not be 'fun' but provide the basic foundation for our existence.

Astrologically, Saturn represents responsibility, duty and conscience. It is the principle of growing-up, which demands an individual to face up to reality and take responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Each of us reaps as we sow. Saturn also signifies inhibitions and fears and may be experienced as that which holds us back.

Magical Collections
Saturn ~ Grounding, focus, rites of passage, dealing with grief, loss and death, sacrifice, exorcism.