Mars Incense


Mars Incense

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Mars is known as the red planet. In ancient times Mars was worshiped as the fiery God of War and Bloodshed as well as a God of fertility and agriculture. As such, Mars was associated with new beginnings and initiative, especially with regard to the cycle of the seasons. The festival of Spring-Equinox, which used to be the beginning of the New Year, is dedicated to him.

Astrologically, Mars represents will-power, drive and initiative. It is the survival instinct, the power that moves an individual to take on a challenge, to be competitive and ambitious. He is a 'go-getter' and can be aggressive or bullying in his less 'nice' manifestation. Mars also signifies anger - our response to being roused, challenged or crossed.

Magical Collections
Mars ~ Energy, drive, courage, passion, action, dispels fear and apprehension, anti-apathetic.