Gemini Incense
When the sun enters the sign of Gemini we are entering an 'in between' phase, it is not quite summer yet, but also no longer spring. Many animals are out and about with their young, teaching them how to survive in this unfamiliar world. Gemini is a sign of learning, the joys of exploring an infinitely exciting universe full of possibilities. Gemini tends to see life as an adventure playground. Learning is pursued not so much for any ulterior purpose like getting a well paid job, but as an exciting endeavour in its own right. Gemini is a dual sign - half divine, half mortal, and these two parts of his soul may be in deep conflict. The divine part flies high on the dreams, ideas, and concepts of the mind, but the mortal twin pulls him back down to earth, to the realities of flesh, blood and bones and the necessities of life - like eating, sleeping and working to earn a living- much to the annoyance of the divine twin. Gemini can be brilliant, knowledgeable, multi-talented and full of fun and excitement - or a scatterbrained, unfocussed chatterbox with a mind full of trivia. Gemini's weakness is getting stuck in the head and loosing touch with reality. He can be a 'jack of all trades but master of none', spreading himself too thinly instead of applying his mind to serious study and the practical application of his knowledge. Or, he may misuse his gift of communication and sow the seeds of rumour and gossip. Gemini benefits from Saturn to ground his lofty ideas and give focus, direction and steady application to his pursuit of knowledge. The Sun ignites Gemini's creative thinking and may spark his oratory gift to inspire others.
Magical Collections
Mercury ~ Communication, understanding, divination, flexibility, direct energy in accordance with will.
Air ~ Ideas, concepts, thought, knowledge, mental powers, logos, reason, visualisation, understanding.